Regional conferences Women and Property - International Colloquium
16/03/2020 – 18/03/2020
The struggle of women has long been confined to the family sphere, thus opposing them to their husband or their father if not their brothers. Women now understand that the struggle must be waged for their active participation in economic development in the context of globalization. The African woman is not going to be left behind. She certainly aspires to overcome barriers and claims economic rights in the family unit but also in society as a whole. Moreover, these two aspects are linked because how can we believe in the role of women in economic development if they do not have the power to manage their own wealth in the family unit? After obtaining the recognition of basic rights in a society where men are the main decision-makers, women understood that the economic and social development of a country required frank collaboration between men and women, each having their part to play.
It is in this spirit that the Family Property Law Laboratory of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar and the International Society of Family Law are organizing the symposium:
“Women and property”
It is a sharing of experiences, the pooling of research, to which jurists of all stripes, theorists and practitioners are invited.
The city of Dakar, a cultural crossroads, will be on this occasion a place of “giving and receiving”, to use the expression dear to the poet poet Léopold Sédar Senghor.
The objective of this international scientific meeting will be to take stock and ask perspectives on the legal status of women in terms of heritage.