Regional conferences South American Regional Conference April 11, 2024
Program – Programa
09.00 | Registration. Acreditaciones. | |
9.30-10.30 | Opening Remarks Palabras de apertura | Leandro Vergara (Dean – Decano UBA), Lidia Hernandez (Director Master in Family Law UBA), Jorge Berbere Delgado (Dir. Sem. Bioét. Y Familia) Frederik Swennen (Pres. ISFL), Ursula Basset (Secr. Gral ISFL) |
10.30 – 11.30 | Precariousness in conjugal relations Precariedad en la conyugalidad | Jens Scherpe (Aalborg University) – Legal protection of de facto relationships – Findings in comparative project Erez Aloni (British Columbia University) – Married by default |
11.30 – 12.30 | Panoramas Rioplatenses – Precariedad en la familia | Graciela Medina (UBA) Marcos Córdoba (UBA) Beatriz Ramos Cabanellas (UDELAR) |
12.30 – brunch break/almuerzo | ||
13.30 – 14.15 | Precariousness in kinship Precariedad en el parentesco | John Asland (University of Oslo) – Is fatherhood more than genetics? Frederica Giardini (University of Padua) – Parenthood and minor rights: can the violation of a legal prohibition by an adult have consequences on the minor’s rights? Antonello Miranda (University of Palermo) |
Parallel sessions | ||
14:15- 15:15 | Session A (English) | Katrine K. Fredwal (U. Oslo) – Will the Cohabitation Act gain family? Crystal Welch (Mississippi College School of Law) – Navigating precarious waters: The intersection of family bonds and legal obligations in Mississippi’s family justice system. Samia Bano (University of London) – Multicultural families, precarity, status and English family law |
14:15-15:15 | Sesión B (español) | Luciana Martí (UBA)- Revictimización de infancias vulneradas. Sentencia de Corte IDH Mendoza v. Argentina Karine Boselli (Universidad de Sao Paulo) – Reconocimiento de los vínculos familiares y orden público Carolina Alt Da Silva (Universidad Bagé – Rio Grande do Sul) – Parentalidad desechable: un análisis de la alienación parental y la liquidez de las relaciones familiares Héctor Campos García (PUCP) – El reconocimiento de la paternidad extramatrimonial : reflexiones a partir de la precarización del estado de familia filiatorio |
15.30- 16.15 | Precariousness in parenthood Precariedad en la parentalidad | June Carbone (University of Minnesotta) – Fatherhood, Family Law and the crisis of boys and men Johanne Clouet (University of Montreal) – Can a child have only two parents ? Thoughts on multiparenting through the lenses of the best interest of the child. Hazel Thomson-Ahye (Senator Trinidad) – International standards of care to alleviate precarity in Family law |
16.15- 17.15 | Precarious families and precarity in family law Precariedad en la familia y en el derecho de familia | Frederik Swennen (University of Antwerp) – The precarity of queer families in face of backlash laws in Europe and US Ann Estin (University of Iowa) – Choosing family laws, autonomy and its limits. Marsha Garrison (Brooklyn Law School) – Predicting the future of family law |
17.15-18.00 | Precariousness in cross border families Precariedad de vínculos familiares transfronterizos | Hugues Fulchiron (Corte de Casación Francesa) – Unaccompanied minors: how can we protect the most vulnerable? Christine Bidaud (University of Lyon) – Proof of the individual and family status of people granted protection by the French office for refugees and stateless persons Nazia- Yakub (U. Leeds) – Cross-border parental child abduction: Is there a need for the criminal law to intervene in family proceedings ? |
18:00 – 18:20 | Closing Conference/Cierre |