About us What is the ISFL?
The International Society of Family Law is an independent, international scholarly association dedicated to the study, research and discussion of family law and related disciplines. The Society’s membership currently includes professors, lecturers, scholars, teachers, and researchers from more than 50 different countries, offering a unique opportunity for networking within a truly international family law community.
The Society’s provides an international forum for analysis of legal policy applied to family relationships. It exists to bring together scholars of any discipline, practitioners, policy makers and others with an interest in this area of law. The Society is non-political: it does not engage in any political activities or take any position on any international or national political or religious matter or law reform proposal.
The Society’s most high-profile activities are:
- its sponsorship of conferences – World Conferences (around every three years) and more frequent Regional Conferences all over the world,
- its production of several professional publications for the benefit of its members.
The Society is not affiliated with any university, law school or other organization.
The Society regularly sends observers to the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
It is run by a President and Executive Council. Elections to the Council and other offices are held every three years.